Monck to Macdonald, May 24 1967

Posted: 2017/05/30

(Unofficial transcription)

L. Monck

                                                                                                                                                                          Confederation London – May 24 . 67


My dear Macdonald

The proclamation appointing  the Union to come into operation on July 1 and nominating the members of the Senate was agreed to by the Queen in council on Wednesday last and appeared in the Gazette of that  ???????, so that our work so far has been finished.

It now remains for us to take the necessary steps to put in motion the machinery which has been created, and I write to you to take the needful measures so as to have a ministry ready to be sworn into office and to commence the performance of their usual functions on the 1st July. I entrust this duty to you as the individual selected as their chairman & spokesman by the unanimous vote of the delegates when they were in England and I adopt this test for my guidance in consequence of the impossibility, under the circumstances, of ascertaining, in the ordinary constitutional manner, who possesses the confidence of a parliament which does not yet exist.

In authorising you to undertake this duty of forming an administration for the dominion of Canada I desire to express my strong opinion that in future it shall be distinctly understood that the position of First Minister shall be held by one person who shall be responsible to the Gov. Gen for the appointment of the other Ministers, and that the system of dual First Ministers which has hitherto prevailed shall be put an end to.

I think this is of importance not only with reference to the maintenance of satisfactory relations between the Gov. Gen and his Cabinet, but also with a view to the complete consolidation of the union ???  ?? have brought about.

I may mention that I have communicated with Lt.Gov Williams & Lt.Gov. Doyle and they have both expressed their willingness to undertake the duties of provisional Lt. Gov. Should it be desirable to avail ourselves of their services.

My purpose is to sail on the 14th June direct to Quebec. I shall go in the first instance to Spencer Wood but I can, of course, come to Ottawa whenever it is necessary.


Believe me to be

most truly yours


The Hon.

A. Macdonald


Public Archives of Canada, Macdonald Papers, M.G. 26-A, vol. 51,  p 2047-9, Bobine c-1505, MIKAN 528612