Constitutional theory Constitutional practice What is the role of the Governor General supposed to be? Can the Governor General act independently or is he or she just a puppet of the prime Minister? If the Senate and the House of Commons are equally powerful, what happens when they disagree? Won’t we have the kind of gridlock we see in the United States? How can an appointed Senate be a representative body? Has Canada ever had Responsible Government? How can we ensure that the people’s representatives truly represent the people? reponse 1 “Power corrupts,” said Lord Acton. Can we design a form of government in which officeholders are not corrupted by power? What kind of government did the Fathers of Confederation intend us to have? How did the Prime Minister’s Office become so powerful? Why not just elect our senators? Quelle est la différence entre le gouvernement responsable et le système actuel ? How does Responsible Government differ from the system we have now?